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Tax appointments

Face-to-Face Tax Appointments:

Face-to-face tax appointments offer a personalised and tangible experience for individuals seeking tax-related assistance. One of the key features of in-person consultations is the ability for tax professionals to directly interact with clients, fostering a sense of trust and rapport. Clients can physically bring in their documents, receipts, and forms, allowing tax experts to thoroughly review and analyze their financial situation.

This hands-on approach enables tax professionals to address specific concerns and tailor their advice to each client's unique circumstances, creating a more comprehensive and accurate tax filing process. Additionally, face-to-face appointments allow for real-time question-and-answer sessions, ensuring that clients fully understand the tax implications and strategies proposed by the expert. The personal touch of these appointments often leads to a stronger client-advisor relationship, which can extend beyond the tax season.

Video Tax Conferencing with FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom:

Video tax conferencing has gained prominence in recent years, offering a convenient alternative to traditional face-to-face appointments. This method leverages popular video communication platforms such as FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom to facilitate remote interactions between taxpayers and tax professionals.

One of the standout features of video tax conferencing is its flexibility, allowing clients to join appointments from the comfort of their own homes or offices, eliminating the need for travel and saving valuable time. These virtual appointments can also accommodate busy schedules, making it easier for individuals with conflicting commitments to still receive expert tax advice. Through screen sharing capabilities, tax professionals can guide clients through the tax preparation process step by step, even in cases where physical documents aren't available. While the personal touch of in-person meetings might be absent, video tax conferencing provides a cost-effective and efficient solution for individuals seeking accurate and timely tax assistance.

Step 1 We prepare your tax basics from an ATO prefill,which gathers your Police salary information,bank interest income,dividends and other income and your Private Haelth insurance status and information.

Step 2 Make sure you have predetermine basic tax deductions(use our checklists) and what you would like to claim.The accountant will guide you through any legitimate leagl tax claims your may have fogotten or didn't know about.

Starting your appointment

When working with our tax professionals, the process involves key steps. We will request your personal details through an online form or initial call. You'll will attend a scheduled meeting with required documents/checklists, ensuring secure digital sharing if online. During the meeting, your situation is discussed in-depth, clarifying uncertainties.
The tax accountant will prepare your return on the spot, finding deductions and credits to reduce taxes. Ask questions freely, and we will explain complex concepts that need further clarification. After meticulous preparation, we will review the return, explaining calculations, deductions, and potential liabilities/refunds. Finally you approve and sign the tax return for lodgement.

Our Work Process

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  • New clients Preliminary Information Gathering including Tax File Number (TFN),DOB, Family & employment situation
  • Existing-clients Preliminary Information Gathering including change of address,residential address, Family & employment situation.
  • identifying applicable tax deductions and crucial offsets,
  • The tax professional will review your prepared tax return with you. They'll explain the calculations, deductions claimed, and any potential tax liability or refund..
  • Approval for Filing: If you're satisfied with the prepared tax return, give your approval for lodgement.

Service Features

Our tax preparation service offers a comprehensive range of features tailored to meet your individual needs and ensure accurate, efficient, and stress-free tax lodgement. Our tax preparation service is designed to provide you with peace of mind, knowing that your tax obligations are handled by knowledgeable professionals who prioritize accuracy and optimal financial outcomes.

  • Personalised Consultation: We begin with a personalised consultation to understand your unique financial situation, goals, and any specific concerns you might have.
  • Data Collection: Our streamlined process collects all necessary financial data, including income statements, investment reports, expense details, and relevant tax documents..
  • Expert Analysis: Our experienced tax professionals meticulously analyze your financial data to identify potential deductions, credits, and tax-saving opportunities, ensuring you don't miss out on any benefits.
  • Thorough Review: Your tax return undergoes a thorough review to ensure accuracy and compliance with current tax laws and regulations.
  • Maximised refunds: We are dedicated to maximising your tax savings by leveraging our in-depth knowledge of the tax code and regulations. .
  • Electronic Filing: We offer the convenience of electronic filing, ensuring your tax return is submitted securely and promptly to the appropriate tax authorities.
  • Accessibility: Our team is available to answer any questions you might have about your tax situation, offering explanations in plain language.
  • Secure Data Handling: Your financial data is handled with the utmost security, utilizing the latest encryption and data protection protocols to safeguard your information.